Viewing your Facebook Page Feed is as Easy as 1, 2 … that’s it!
Have you noticed that you are not receiving posts from the pages that you have liked on Facebook? Yes, it appears that Facebook has again changed the way you view your newsfeed. Don’t you just love trying to keep up with social media? As of the time of this writing, it appears that Facebook has now separated the News Feed from people who are your friends from the Page Feed of pages that you have liked. Presumably Facebook has made this separation so that they can get pages to “boost” their posts, meaning that the pages that you like must pay a fee to show up in your News Feed.
Not to worry though. You can still very easily view the posts from the pages that you have liked. Here is what you do:
- Click the Facebookicon in the upper left hand corner of your screen (a little F in a square) to get to your News Feed which will include posts from your Facebook friends.
- In the left hand column under the Pages heading, click on Pages Feed and voila, you can see the posts from your favorite pages.
Personally, I prefer to view the posts of pages that I have liked evenly intertwined with the funny jokes of former employers, political discourse of my in-laws, the 1011th baby picture of my neighbor’s 2 month old, the rants of the couple who insist on airing all marital miscommunications on Facebook and of course the pictures of cats giving massages. We will either have to get used to the constant changes of Facebook, or a new and improved social media will come along. In the meantime, be sure to view, like, comment and share the posts of the pages that you have liked and have grown to love. Oh, and if this post helps you, please feel free to share it too!